Client Sale Items recently Sold to Collectors 

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1880 Brass Frame Tranter  - "Jack the Ripper Gun"

1882 Silver Escutcheon in Grip to:  "Donald Swanson" ( Chief Inspector, Scotland Yard )


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1878 Marlin Ballard  22 rf cal  "Schuetzen Rifle"

Custom Built by George Schoyen in the Early 1900s


Cased 22 cal Colt SAA < click    SOLD 

Model  1873  Colt  Cavalry  Revolver  .22  Rim-Fire  Cal.

7-1/2"  Bbl   -   Helfrich  Style  Full  Coverage  Engraving

1-Piece  Ivory  Grips  w/  Silver  Conch  Inlays

Silver Finish  -  Cased


Merwin Hulbert Pocket Army < click    SOLD 

Blued 1881 Merwin Hulbert Open Top Pocket Army

3 digit serial number, 1st year production

44-40 cal. Big Bore Merwin


< click    SOLD 

1873 U.S. Cavalry Colt - Ainsworth Inspected  - Custer Era

"John Kopec" Letter of Authenticity - "National Archives" Letter


< click   SOLD    

Antique Cannonball Safe

1872 Diebold "Triple Time-Lock" Jeweled & Gold

Jessie James era Robber Proof


Ed 's Yost Single Shot Schuetzen Rifle complete  < click     SOLD 

Yost Single Shot Schuetzen Actions

One of the finest Falling Block Actions.

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